Labels, Publishers & Distributors

Understand the role of labels, publishers and distributors in the industry
Patrick · February 7, 2023

An overview of labels, publishers, and distributors and how the lines between label and distribution are increasingly being blurred.

About Instructor


Meet Patrick, the ultimate music business maven with over a decade of experience in digital distribution and marketing and Music Ally's Chief Operations Officer. With a wealth of teaching experience from major labels to universities like Berklee College of Music, Falmouth University, University of Westminster and LIMPI, Patrick not only knows what information people need but how to present it effectively. His clear and engaging teaching style combined with his insider knowledge and sense of humour make him the ideal instructor to guide you through the intricacies of the music industry.

8 Videos

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Video Includes

  • 6 Sections
  • 1 Quiz
  • Video Certificate