Music Videos: Post-Launch Promotion

Strategies to keep driving views 

Karolina · August 1, 2023

In this video, you’ll delve into the world of post-launch music video promotion and explore inspiring examples of how artists are extending the life of their music videos. From storytelling techniques to captivating behind-the-scenes content, encouraging user-generated content (UGC) and using additional assets, you’ll gain valuable insights and practical strategies to keep music videos in the spotlight long after their initial release.

What You’ll Learn:

  • How to leverage the storytelling elements of a music video to build your artist’s brand and engage their audience,
  • The power of behind-the-scenes content in deepening the connection with fans,
  • The importance of involving the audience in the story and making the music video feel relevant to them,
  • Strategies for engaging with fans through reactions, sharing, and commenting,
  • To explore alternative versions of videos as supplementary assets to promote the original video.

About Instructor


Karolina Kay has experience in artist management and development, PR, event management and concert promotion, and holds a degree in Music Business. She devises and delivers training and marketing strategies to a wide range of Music Ally’s clients including record labels and management companies, and analyses the latest marketing tools for Sandbox.

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